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Meet Freya - Advisory Panel member for Young Women’s Trust

January 15, 2021 - Alice Barnes
Meet Freya - Advisory Panel member for Young Women’s Trust

Happy International Women's Day! Today we're highlighting one of Young Women's Trusts Advisory Panel members, Freya, she's been on the panel for two years and has been involved in lots of their campaigning. She’s also one of YWT's peer researchers who helped create their latest report, Picking Up The Pieces looking at how the pandemic and resulting recession has increased the existing inequality young women face with catastrophic consequences.

Introducing Freya...

Freya Young Women's Trust

How have you been involved in the Young Women's Trust so far?

I have been on the Advisory Panel at the Young Women’s Trust for nearly 2 years.  I have done so many different opportunities with them from training sessions to residentials, to speaking to an MP, to being involved in hosting a Webinar and even interviewing candidates for our activist training programme and for a new fundraising administrator back in June 2020. It has been so eventful and rewarding and I am so proud to be part of something so amazing. I have been involved in Peer Research which was informative because I listened to other young women’s stories of how the coronavirus pandemic has changed their lives.

Making Waves Venus Libido for Young Women's Trust

Venus designed the attached "Making Waves, Moving Galaxies" prints on the theme of making change happen. What does that mean to you?

Change to me is motivating and empowering because everyone has a story and a reason to want change and that is important. I was able to talk to decision-makers and tell them my story and that was used to help make a change and that is something to be proud of. I had the opportunity to speak to MP Stephen Timms about living on Universal Credit and how it affects my daily life. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I never thought possible and I used my story to be part of change. Using my experience of talking to Stephen Timms I then wrote a blog which was posted on the Young Women’s Trust website. This was milestone for me as I had never written a blog before.

Moving Galaxies Venus Libido for Young Women's Trust

How was being involved with Young Women's Trust helped you to make change happen?

Being involved with the Young Women’s Trust has opened so many doors for me. I was involved in the No Young Women Left Behind Campaign during the pandemic and spoke on the video that was published across social media and the Young Women’s Trust website. I have also attended many training sessions such as media training and public speaking training and I was given the opportunity to speak at events and meetings such as Fawcett Society Event, The Equality Trust Roundtable and a meeting with Baroness Berridge (Minister for Women and Equality).

Moving and Making Earrings

Tatty Devine are helping fund our work so together we can help Young Women to have a brighter 2021 after a difficult year in 2020. What will help you stay motivated in 2021?

In 2021 what will help me stay motivated will be my family as I want to be the best person I can be for them and having a lot to do e.g. college and being involved with Young Women’s Trust and getting involved in as many opportunities as I can.

What’s your number one piece of advice for people who want to campaign and get more politically active in 2021?

Use your voice, tell your story. You can also get involved and join our movement and campaign with us at the Young Women’s Trust!


Thanks Freya! There's no better day than today to get involved and #ChooseToChallenge this International Women's Day!

Alice Barnes