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JLS in Tatty Devine

August 13, 2018 - Charlotte Prichard
JLS in Tatty Devine

Okay, we admit it: when JLS's first single 'Beat Again' came out, we danced around the studio singing along and making a hash of the dance moves. So thank you to @zoeyhardwick and @shangri_lala on Twitter for tipping us off last night when JB wore our Pegasus Necklace on X Factor. JLS's JB in Tatty Devine Pegasus Wing Necklace JLS's JB in Tatty Devine Pegasus Wing Necklace Watch the boys' whole performance. We do love to see guys wearing Tatty Devine. Thanks JB. You look great. Get JB's necklace here.Tatty Devine Pegasus Large Necklace - gold mirror