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Women With Something To Say: Emma Brockes

August 13, 2018 - Charlotte Prichard
Women With Something To Say: Emma Brockes

"Enough now!" Journalist and Faber author Emma Brockes joins us today for the twelfth blog in our Women With Something To Say series. During her time at the Guardian, Emma has interviewed astronaut Chris Hadfield, writer Margaret Atwood and many more well known names, but it's her compelling new book, "She Left Me The Gun" that really grabbed our attention here at Tatty Devine HQ. We're very excited to have Emma share her thoughts on the role of women in today's society with us. Yes, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of perfection, but Emma has had enough:

Like most people, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself as a demographic. When I'm absolutely forced to - by a sexist outburst on Twitter, or the latest cross article in the Atlantic about how many children I should or shouldn't be having, or another of those interminable women on journalism panels - the thing I think is how we'd all be better off if we gave ourselves a break; from flapping, and fussing and chasing ideals that interfere with the business of living. It’s better to live in messy chaos than in a state of paralysed ‘perfection’. I sometimes think it doesn't matter what decision you make, as long as you make one: have two kids, or none, or five. Work 15 hours a day or don't. Make the decision; don't dither around wondering what you, as a woman, should or shouldn't be doing for so long that the decision makes itself for you.

Thanks, Emma! What do you think, Tatty fans? Share your views on Emma's piece with us in the comments below and tweet us a link to your favourite writers using the hashtag #WWSTS!