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Equal Pay Day 2020

November 19, 2020 - Alice Barnes
Equal Pay Day 2020
Did you know that 40% of people don’t know that women have a right to equal pay for work of equal value?!

Our friends over at the Fawcett Society each year conduct research into when Equal Pay Day will fall, what the Gender Pay Gap is and to why pay discrimination is even a thing. 

Today is Equal Pay Day 2020. Sounds good? Well it’s not really, today is the day of the year when in comparison to men, women stop getting paid… Boo! This is because of the Gender Pay Gap off 11.5%... Again, booo!

Rosie in her Equal Pay Day Mask and Equal Pay Now Brooch

We are pretty sure we can hear some shouts of “How can I change this??”! So here are just a few things you can do today to help spread awareness and try and close this pay gap…

Wear a face mask
As we can’t all be together to campaign, the Fawcett Society are calling for us to stay Covid safe and get crafty by customising our face masks. Whether it’s with a permanent marker, embroidery or even a post-it note, mark your mask with ‘Equal Pay’. They are mandatory so we might as well use them to spread a message!


Write to your MP
Right to Know was launched by Fawcett last year to allow workers to find out how much their colleagues are being paid if they believe they are experiencing pay discrimination.
Send a letter to your MP asking them to support modernising the Equal Pay law.

Sign the petition
After finding out she was earning much less than her male work colleagues, Kay started a petition for the Right to Know. Sign it here.

Get involved on Social Media
Spread the word! Use the hashtag #EqualPayDay to share your thoughts, artwork and ideas around Equal Pay Day on 20th November.

Read Fawcett Society’s full report here and shop our collection where £3 from each piece is donated to support their important work.

Alice Barnes